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Category: Grain Handling

How to Prevent Grain Contamination

Grain is a major food staple and provides many nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet. However, grains are particularly susceptible to contaminants like fungus and mold that sprout when grain is improperly stored or insufficiently dried. These contaminants, known as mycotoxins, can quickly colonize your crops before harvest or during handling, storage and transportation. In fact, approximately half…


Contents Grain system designs are complex. There are so many moving parts and dependent factors involved that can significantly affect your facility’s efficiency and profit. When you’re designing a grain handling system, including every necessary element can be a daunting task. From location to layout to custom-designed equipment, you want to make sure your facility…

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You work hard to harvest a bountiful crop of grain, so don’t forget to protect it from damaging insect infestations once you store it. Pests such as weevils, beetles, caterpillars and moths can feed on and contaminate your product, eating away at volume and forcing you to sell at a reduced rate. Fortunately, proper storage…

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Contents Cash crops — including corn and wheat — accounted for more than $193 billion in the United States in 2019. Globally, corn, wheat and rice production result in nearly $475 billion each year. The grain production, storage and handling industry can yield great profits, but quality management is critical for protecting your bottom line and producing a good…


The newest trend for making more eco-conscious decisions is soybean usage. Despite soybeans having been around for hundreds of years and cementing themselves in the modern era as a milk alternative, they have many other surprising uses. Scientists have discovered that we can use the soybean for more than just an ingredient in milk alternatives…


Contents Upgrade Your Grain Handling Equipment Today with LCDM Thanks to recent technology and equipment improvements, the grain handling industry is far safer and more efficient than it used to be. Gone are the days of climbing inside grain bins to investigate concerns or spending valuable working time manually testing the temperature and moisture levels…

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