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Author: admin

A Seasonal Guide to Grain Farming

Growing and harvesting grains is a year-round task. If you cultivate your own crops, you know that it takes careful planning and preparation to ensure thriving grains. Seasonal shifts bring many changes that can affect your grain’s growth rate and quality, including temperature, humidity, water availability, precipitation, agricultural pest migration and frost. These environmental factors…

How to Prevent Grain Contamination

Grain is a major food staple and provides many nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet. However, grains are particularly susceptible to contaminants like fungus and mold that sprout when grain is improperly stored or insufficiently dried. These contaminants, known as mycotoxins, can quickly colonize your crops before harvest or during handling, storage and transportation. In fact, approximately half…


Growers take pride in their quality grain products, providing consistent, reliable stock to consumers across North America. In such a highly competitive industry, it’s vital for grain producers to improve their grain handling and storing processes to ensure they produce the highest quality grain products possible. Since grain quality is directly related to growers’ profits,…


When you grow and press oil seed, like in the canola industry, you need to use the right methods for proper oil seed cleaning and storage. When you fail to take the proper measures, the quality of your seed and oil will drop, which can lead to financial losses. To ensure the quality of the…


If you own a farm, feed mill, commercial elevator or serve a similar role that works with grains regularly, you need a reliable and safe way to store your grain. With several different grain storage techniques out there, you want to be sure you pick the right one. Grain storage bags, grain piles and grain…


Contents Grain system designs are complex. There are so many moving parts and dependent factors involved that can significantly affect your facility’s efficiency and profit. When you’re designing a grain handling system, including every necessary element can be a daunting task. From location to layout to custom-designed equipment, you want to make sure your facility…

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