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Food production companies all over the world are faced with strict standards. International regulations and compliance criteria are getting stricter to ensure food is made, shipped and stored safely. More machinery is required as the process becomes more automated for faster production. This machinery must be constructed with food safety and health regulations in mind….

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Since humans first started harvesting and processing grains, there has been a need for grain storage. The ability to store grain means residential and commercial farmers can keep crops throughout the season and feed livestock or save it until they can sell it for the best possible market price. Successful grain storage requires a dry,…

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Contents Cash crops — including corn and wheat — accounted for more than $193 billion in the United States in 2019. Globally, corn, wheat and rice production result in nearly $475 billion each year. The grain production, storage and handling industry can yield great profits, but quality management is critical for protecting your bottom line and producing a good…

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Corn might be one of the most versatile commodities in existence. It’s the primary feed grain in the United States, making up more than 95% of production and use. More than 90 million acres of U.S. land exclusively grow corn, with much of that farmland situated in the central part of the country. Though many farmers grow corn as livestock…


Nowadays, a grain bin is used for more than just storage. A grain bin has to be an effective grain handling system, which means the bin must also be able to dry and condition grain regularly. To keep up in the industry these days, grain storage facilities need to be adequately equipped to fill these…


The newest trend for making more eco-conscious decisions is soybean usage. Despite soybeans having been around for hundreds of years and cementing themselves in the modern era as a milk alternative, they have many other surprising uses. Scientists have discovered that we can use the soybean for more than just an ingredient in milk alternatives…

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