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The newest trend for making more eco-conscious decisions is soybean usage. Despite soybeans having been around for hundreds of years and cementing themselves in the modern era as a milk alternative, they have many other surprising uses. Scientists have discovered that we can use the soybean for more than just an ingredient in milk alternatives…


Thanks to recent technology and equipment improvements, the grain handling industry is far safer and more efficient than it used to be. Gone are the days of climbing inside grain bins to investigate concerns or spending valuable working time manually testing the temperature and moisture levels of each storage receptacle. By upgrading your storage handling…


Experts predict that the demand for grain will grow by 70% over the next 30 years. As the demand for grain increases, so does the amount of grain that farmers and millwrights are responsible for growing, processing and storing. The grain farming process is complex, and it is essential to understand the correct procedures of each step…

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In the grain industries, it’s essential to maintain efficiency so your product output meets demand. However, you must maximize your output without decreasing your stock’s quality. You can do this by incorporating the proper equipment into every step of your grain-handling process. LCDM has the exceptional and reliable equipment you need to improve your product’s…

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Soybean oil has many versatile uses and is a popular harvesting choice among many farmers. This oil is increasing in popularity as a prominent alternative fuel. You can derive renewable diesel and biodiesel from soybean oil, allowing you to find many new uses for this popular crop. Using biodiesel as a fuel for equipment, vehicles…


It is a long journey from the fields of the farm to the product on the shelf. Included in that is also a long list or processes, especially for versatile products like grain. Some grains make it through within their natural form, while others get churned up into cereal, pressed into oils and mixed into…

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